4 HR Tech Trends Transforming Businesses in HR

HR Technology

Why Reinventing Your HR with Digital Solutions is Essential!

With businesses around the world beginning their digital transformation, leaders are in the tough position of choosing which areas of their business to upgrade first. The HR department is repeatedly overlooked and the slowest to be revamped, leaving many HR teams struggling to cope.

HR is usually swamped with paperwork due to the piles of employee-related papers, hampering their ability to plan out HR strategies to benefit the business. According to Adobe, 78% of HR teams are left frustrated managing documents and are left feeling ignored.

However, the pandemic is making leaders realize the importance of streamlining business operations, especially in HR. HR teams have been crucial in coordinating work arrangements and managing employee concerns in these unprecedented times, proving their value to the business.

Enterprises are now using HR technology to automate and optimize HR processes to reduce the administration workload, so the HR team can contribute more to HR planning and value-adding projects. Organizations that have implemented digital solutions into their HR have had the most success during Covid, which means that HR tech will continue to play an increasingly integral role!

We explore the HR tech trends that are helping change businesses:

1. Remote working

The pandemic has made working from home the ‘new normal’. Many experts are predicting that remote working is here to stay as many businesses can operate just as efficiently away from the office. Businesses are exploring new tech to boost remote working efficiency as it is unlikely that we will return to the old system of full in-office working.

There will be increased investment by leaders in remote working technologies like video conferencing, unified communications, cloud computing, and apps to adapt to this standard, as companies can no longer risk operations being disrupted from future unprecedented events like the Covid-19 pandemic.

2. Cloud Technology

Instant Access

As work is no longer confined to the traditional office space, anywhere access has become crucial! Cloud technology has been the perfect solution, as employees can access company resources immediately regardless of their location.

Instant access and greater control have been vital for employees to carry out their daily tasks as usual. With remote working becoming common practice as previously discussed, we will continue seeing businesses upgrade their cloud capabilities to meet the growing needs.

Data Security

A concern for many businesses using cloud technology is the issue of data security. Businesses are concerned whether their sensitive HR data could be easily stolen if not held in an in-house server.

However, cloud-based storage is actually safer as businesses are placing data in a secure centralized location away from the company. It reduces the chances of theft due to the better security standards adopted by cloud operators and stops the chances of office disasters like floods or fire.

With more companies moving important information onto the cloud, we could potentially see more businesses outsource parts of their HR like their payroll to payroll service providers that adopt strict security standards.

Are you looking for a secure cloud-based system to streamline your HR? 3P Professional is a professional payroll service provider that offers businesses smart cloud-based solutions. Our payroll outsourcing service can meet all your payroll, leave and benefits needs across Asia! Find out more by booking a demo with us now!

3. AI in Recruiting

HR teams can often spend days or weeks sifting through CVs to find the perfect candidate to fill a position. With the pandemic prolonging the recruitment process due to various restrictions, HR professionals have been looking for solutions to make the procedure more efficient.

Although it has limitations, AI has matured enough to simplify the early stages of recruitment. Users have found that AI has been a great way to screen applicants, as they have seen reduced unconscious biases, better candidate experiences, improved cost-effectiveness, and reduced time to hire.

As AI continues to develop, it will be able to automate many repetitive tasks. We will see higher AI adoption rates or use of the best recruitment agencies with AI capabilities as businesses are starting to realize the benefits of AI in recruitment.

4. Focus on Employee Wellness Through Digital Channels

The pandemic has brought employee health to the forefront, with organizations looking to meet worker’s emotional and physical needs through increased support. Employees are suffering from increased stress and anxiety as they worry about their health and job security.

To protect the mental and physical health of employees, businesses have been turning to wellness programmes. We are seeing more online classes which include physical exercise, meditation, sleep, nutrition, food, etc. Creating a work environment that focuses on employee health and work/life balance is increasingly part of a good business strategy.

How Are You Fueling Your Businesses Digital Upgrade?

With tech revolutionizing the way organizations operate, leaders need to look for digital solutions to streamline their business now. Need help identifying where to begin your business’s digital upgrade? 3P Professional offers end-to-end solutions to your business’s digital needs.

Whether you are revamping your entire operations or need the expertise to complete an IT project, 3P Professional can help you realize it! Contact our consultants now to equip your business with all the tools to face future challenges!