Functional Overview

Function Time Attendance Request

Function Leave Request

Function Amendment

Function off-site Time Attendance

Function Shift/exchange Management

Backend System

Function time Attendance
GPS system was applied to locate current work place. If outside the specified radius you can’t record time attendacne.
OR Code was applied as well by specified radius.

Function Off-site Time Attendance
Record time attendance by using GPS or QR Code
No limit of time attendance, flexible for many assigned work place in a day.

Function Amendment Request
Employess are able to request time amendment at anywhere, anytime which internet access.
All requests shall approve by manager to be active
Convenience, fast and real-time

Function Shift/exchange Management
Employees are able to request for day-off exchange, and shift.
Manager is able to check all requests and able to see approved list and declined list of each employee under the control
All requests shall approve by manager to be active
Request, approve or decline are active at real time

Function Leave Request
Employees are able to make a request at anywhere and anytime which internet access
Select type of leave according to company policy
Able to request in hour or day, and add attachment such as medical certificate and other related document
Manager is able to check all requests and able to see approved list, declined list and also reason of leave
Convenience, fast and real-time

Backend System
Able to amend employees’ mistake attendance
Able to check historical attendance, employee data, and also leave rights of each employee
Able to export data and report in excel or text file
View / Export report is available at all time
Manage everything on "Backend System"from Computer and Smartphone by Manager
Other Functions

Function Location in the system

Function employee's data, time attendance and other related.